
Friday, July 10, 2015

We may never find Utopia

We are probably the only species that can be accused of hypocrisy. Often our drawing room conversations are about topics that make us sound intellectual, secular, and sometimes even leftist but when we move out of the drawing room to the road of realty we follow the path of me first. We will fight for equality of we are the ones getting the advantage but as soon as we are the ones losing our slogan turns to be each one for himself. We are the species that respects no boundaries. I have heard stories that animals define their areas and sometimes battle for it but once decided they respect the boundaries. But we are the gifted species we have the gift of greed. We want everything for our own consumption.

“The world has enough for everyone's need, but not enough for everyone's greed.”-by Mahatma Gandhi is so true.

The culture where everyone every moment is running the marathon called BEST. I want the best dress, the best school, the best college, the best job, the best holiday, the best blah blah blah, all this nonsense without having any idea about the best. Why can’t we be simply enjoying every moment with what we have.

It’s always good to improve and to compete with one’s own self but to run behind a mirage called success, or BEST is a waste of time, health and energy.

Interesting historical incident comes to my mind. The Government in one country (I don’t want to name the country coz the news channel news could be biased) wanted to bring equality in society by introducing equality in education. So all the neighborhoods had government run schools. Simple assumption would be that as all kids go to government run schools they get to mix with kids of all backgrounds in their school and the playing field will be leveled. But it did not happen so. Eventually people started realizing that some schools had better results. Reason could be any maybe a few teachers were better and schools that had those teachers were lucky. Now everyone wanted their kids to go to those schools where results were better. Eventually the property prices in those areas began to rise because of the demand for houses in the areas. And the society segregated itself into rich and poor neighborhood. Again we had a situation where kids of rich people went to a particular school and got better results creating inequality.

Unless the fundamental frame of human mindset changes inequality is the bitter truth we will have to learn to live with.

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