
Friday, July 17, 2015

Discounts Discounts everywhere not a thing to buy

It’s raining discounts all over the real and web markets. Everything seems to be on discount and everyone claims selling at lowest price ever. It’s all becoming so damn overwhelming and the next discount announcement will make me nauseous. The discount percentages are also mind boggling it starts at 50%off and goes up to 80% off. Sellers are complaining that it’s getting unsustainable for them to offer such heavy discounts. But it’s not making the buyers happy either. Every time I buy something I have the feeling that I have made a bad deal I would have got the stuff somewhere else for a lower price. The joy of getting something new is masked by the anxiousness of making the right decision.

At first I thought I was saving time when I was shopping online. I was saving time by not physically going to the markets and wandering from one shop to another. But now I realize that I am spending more time while shopping online. The amount of time and energy I am spending researching for the deals of products that I don’t even want to buy is far much more than what I would have spent had I gone to a market. I spend hours going through the website window shopping and sometimes adding stuff to cart adding anything that like not necessarily need. At the end of the numerous hours wasted I simply close the window and forget about the cart.

Sometimes the websites remind me about the items in my cart and sometimes they don’t either ways I rarely go back to the cart and buy stuff.

Sometimes I really need to buy something and I spend not just hours but days researching about the product and then its deals and buy the stuff hoping that I have made the right deal only to realize the very next day that i could have wasted some more time and found a better deal.

All this is crazy. If time is money as they say, I am really wasting a lot of it shopping for things I don't need and in return getting some discount. The sad part is I will still continue with the madness because I feel I will be saving money.

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